Well, I can't really recall anything huge happening since the last time I blogged. We did have my niece and nephews birthday party a couple weeks ago, that was a nice time. I have pictures, but they aren't on my computer yet. :-/
The only other thing that's happened is we lost our unemployment. We've only had it since the very end of January and it was totally unexpected. My claim was until December, SO, I expected that's how long we would have for unemployment. Well the money we were allotted for our claim has run out. Apparently what we would NORMALLY have to do is file an extension. Well, (and forgive me but I don't really know all this political mumbo jumbo) but basically congress has now passed something were NO ONE can file for an extension, and those who already were ON a extension were cut off. So yeah, we found this out pretty much the day we received our last checks. I was panicking. Thank the Lord for my parents, who said they'd help us but still. We have BILLS. So that day I went on a application rampage. I literally sat at my computer and applied for jobs for Louie and I for over 10 hours. For everything. Including retail. Which I have STAYED AWAY from this whole time. My skills are administrative, that's what I was going for. I got an interview on the 1st of July for a customer service job at a corporate office for a furniture company, the interview went GREAT (it was actually the only interview I ever did, I never did one for my last job) the man told me about 2 weeks if I moved on the customer service manager would call me, and I never got a call. So of course, now I got a call back for a retail job. I'm not complaining, because I need whatever I can get at the moment, I just never saw myself working retail, AND its only a part time position, which frightens me. Just of not knowing how much my checks will be if I get bad hours kind of thing. I've just been applying for administrative positions for almost 7 months now, and I got the ONE interview that didn't come through. Its so frustrating. Louie is hopefully getting a warehouse job. Doesn't pay a whole lot, but like for me, he'll take what he can get. I just hope we get SOMETHING SOON. I've never not worked, or had NO money coming in. So is scary. :-/
That is horrible. I didnt know they could just cut you off like that. I hope you get the job or any job for that matter.