Theres no sense in trying to recap a whole year's worth of stuff. But the biggest news lately, is that Louie and I BOTH got laid off. The owner apparently wanted to cut payroll by $25,000.00. So he cut about $5,000 out of the payroll by laying us off...but have they laid ANYONE else off? No. Have they stopped paying for all the workers at the ranch's housing? No. But whatever, we're hopefully moving onto bigger and better things anyway. We were trying to get pregnant, but thats being put on hold until we are more stable financially. Louie is trying to join the pipefitters union, his application is already in, BUT he has to wait until May to take the math test. I'm not sure what the step after that is, but hopefully it won't be months later. lol. Fortunately we know someone in the union so hopefully that will help Louie get a foot in. Its hard work, but the benefits it will have for our future family we think is worth it. Esspecially if I want to try to stay home when we have a baby.
Other than that life has been pretty uneventful. Which I guess is a good thing? I have a goal this year to try to read 100 books. So far, I've read 4 books since the new year. Which is pretty amazing for me. I generally take awhile to finish books. So far I have read:
*The Lovely Bones (wanted to like it so bad, but was just bored reading it)
*Dear John (LOVED it, cant wait for the movie in February)
*Shiver (One of my favorite books. Loved it!)
*The Notebook (really enjoyed it, but I actually think I like the movie better)
And right now I'm reading a Zombie book called The Rising. I'm only 2 chapters in.
So hopefully I can stay more up to date with this. If not, hardly anyone reads this anyway I think. So it won't really matter either way! haha :)
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